Role: Sewer. My role is to look after all the sails down below before they come out through the hatch for sail changes. Shillo and I make sure everything is connected up and shuffle sails around. 

Background: I grew up at Seaforth in Sydney and have been sailing most of my life, starting in Manly Juniors and working my way up

Been with the Wild Oats program since: This will be my 5th Sydney Hobart with the campaign. It’s an honour to be sailing with some of the best sailors in the world. We are like a big family.

Toughest moment of the race: I would say the weather. It is all weather dependent so adapting to the prevailing weather conditions and dealing with whatever comes our way.

One item you always pack: Waterproof socks

The feeling of being on the start line on Boxing Day: In one word – adrenalin! In a sentence – Sydney Harbour is one of the most amazing harbours on the planet and to have the spectator fleet and that many yachts on the start line, the fever and adrenalin is remarkable.